Sunday, May 02, 2010

Events of May

May, 8-16
St. Petersburg, Introduction to Bioinformatics course by Mikhail Kapushesky at Computer Science Club. Mikhail works in the European Bioinformatics Institute, so I really rely on very good content. All the lectures are usually recorded and available to further watching (livecast is probable). Please also have a look at the updated seasonal student schools list by Alexander Kulikov, Computer Science Club Coordinator.

May, 15
Moscow, Spring School on «Software Project Management» at University - Higher School of Economics (School of Software Engineering). Co-organizer - educational center PeopleMind. 1-day event, participation is free of charge.

May, 16
St. Petersburg, Language Festival (Lingva Festivalo, Фестиваль Языков). There are few Festivals in Russia. In St. Petersburg the Language Festival is conducted for already four years. I visited it in 2009 and I really liked it. Here is my note about what I remembered in 2009 (in Russian).

May, 15-16
St. Peterburg, Media HackDay. Russian HackDays evangelist and organizer Yury Lifshits just did the event with the similar topic (but in different format) in US - RemakeCamp, an unconference about the future of journalism and online media. To participate in St. Petersburg HackDay 4 (Media and Content) are to be invited: media professionals, designers, programmers, internet projects producers and students. Add your project to a projects list, or join a listed team.
At the moment I rate as the most interest project City Murmur by Gleb Kalinin - short audio interviews that are related to a particular places at the city map.

May, 17-18
, Conference 'IT Education in Russia'. The conference is organized by the Russian Information & Computer Technologies Industry Association (APKIT). Each year one of the Russian Universities acts as a host for the event. It is the place where people from the industry and academia share their experience in mutual cooperation. In 2010 the conference takes place for the 8th year.

I've started to participate in this conference in 2006 (thanks to Andrey Filev and Andrey Terekhov Jr.). My thesis based on the article published in PC Week (Russian Ediation) in 2005 were accepted and I gave my first talk about Ad-hoc Education concept at the 4th conference. EMC support the conference since 2007 (that year my talk was about students potential in education process, slides are here), so as I joined EMC in 2008, I continue to speak, but with sponsor talks and master classes organization (see my report for 2009). This year you can find me also in the conference's Program Committee.

See updated conference program for this year.

May, 28-30
St. Petersburg, NevaCamp 2010
Vitaly Vlasov, IFMO PhD Student and President of Open and Future Web Foundation organize the 2nd international unconference NevaCamp.
This event is about technologies (mashups, augmented reality and even internet of things, location-based, new media, real-time web, etc) and Reality, and how virtual and "real" realties can go together.
In 2009 I (inspired by the event's 2nd day) prepared a draft for the talk jam about P2P and cloud convergence. A bit later we did that jam at EMC office in a closed group of engineers and specially invited guests. So if time allows I'll back to the idea to conduct this jam at NevaCamp 2010.

All the photos (click them to see more) has been taken at the corresponding events a year ago.

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